Health Policy Stakeholdera

stake▪holder (stâk’hô­l’dər), noun

  1. One who is entrusted with the stakes of bettors in a wager
  2. One that has a share or an interest in a venture, business, or movement
  3. One who is involved in or affected by a course of action

Health  policy stakeholders can be defined in many ways. Depending on your  individual perspective, one might use each of the definitions given  above to describe the role of a stakeholder to health care policy.
As  one of the largest sectors of the U.S. economy, as well as one of the  single largest line items in federal and state budgets, health care is a  huge financial concern for the citizenry. The future of many of the  nation’s most popular social programs, such as Medicare and Medicaid,  along with the health of millions, hangs in the balance as government  agencies, private industry, political organizations, think tanks,  coalitions, and individuals grapple with health policy issues.
To prepare  for this Discussion, consider this week’s Learning Resources. Select a  health care stakeholder from the Health Policy Stakeholder Table located  in the Learning Resources area. {The Health Policy stakeholder has been attached as a document so you can select one }.

By Day 4, post a comprehensive response to the following: 300-400 words

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  • Briefly describe the health policy stakeholder that you selected.
  • Expand on the role of the stakeholder you selected by explaining their specific interests.
  • Describe how they can influence policy.
  • Explain the specific focus of their policy efforts.

List of website to finds resources as instructed by the instructor





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