An adaptive strategy for residents who take clothes off inappropriately is: Layer clothing Sweat suits Velcro closures Back zipper 17.

 An adaptive strategy for residents who take clothes off inappropriately is:

Layer clothing

Sweat suits

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Velcro closures

Back zipper

17. Just after dinner, a resident says that he has pain in the mid-chest area. He is breathing regularly, and has no other symptoms. The caregiver should:

Check to see if he has antacids prescribed

Call 911

Call the nursing supervisor

Ask the resident to lie down

18. A resident who hears voices from another room:

Should be evaluated for schizophrenia

Can be confused by disembodied voices

Should be evaluated for hearing aids

Should be tested with an amplification device

19. Sherbun writes that the most important part of caregivers’ fulfillment is:

Paying conscious attention to self, environment, and support systems

Recognition from families

Self-worth for doing important work with residents

Recognition from residents

20. A resident has just become incontinent. The care team should:

Limit fluids

Ask “Why?”

Begin a toileting schedule

Increase fluids

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