Annotated Biography for the the following citations Works Cited Burtle, Adam, and Stephen Bezruchka. quot;Population health and paid parental leave:…

Annotated Biography for the the following citations

Works Cited

Burtle, Adam, and Stephen Bezruchka. “Population health and paid parental leave: What     the                   United States can learn from two decades of research.” Healthcare. Vol. 4.       No.2.  Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute, 2016.

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Kamerman, Sheila B. “From maternity to parental leave policies: women’s health,    employment, and child and family well-being.” Journal of the American Medical      Women’s Association (1972) 55.2 (2000): 96-99.

Kamerman, Sheila. “Parental leave policies: An essential ingredient in early childhood        education and care policies.” Social policy report 14 (2000): 3-15.

Rehel, Erin M. “When dad stays home too: Paternity leave, gender, and parenting.”Gender &                      Society 28.1 (2014): 110-132.

Tanaka, Sakiko. “Parental leave and child health across OECD countries.” The Economic   Journal 115.501 (2005).

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