labor relations bargaining points for case – overtime

Looking for someone new to take over this assignment/do it correctly!

As you find information from your research pertaining to the negotiation and the demand(s) you have been assigned, post them in your group’s forum for all to review.

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Collaborate on the research and start solidifying your case for each demand.  Use the “Bargaining Zone” to determine your limits

1.            As you find information from your research pertaining to the negotiation and the demand(s) you have been assigned, post them in your group’s forum for all to review.

Collaborate on the research and start solidifying your case for each demand.  Use the “Bargaining Zone” to determine your limits


Overtime should be on a volunteer basis first and if additional personnel are needed then it can be made mandatory only if additional workers are needed.


I need pros and cons –

More pros (and a lot of them!) Can’t literally be word for word from a source – in own words only. Must note resource from where each item is from but again can’t be used if not worded in own words – were using resources/references not in text citation

Here is a sample of what other team members have posted but this was just their first step to share what info they have got – I’m a little behind so need a lot more info on mine!


This is the demand for a minimum of two union members serving on the company’s board of directors at all times. I feel this offers several benefits to both the union and the employer at the same time. One benefit I can think of right away from a union standpoint, is that company directors tend to have greater access to information, which in turn could give the union greater access to information. The union member could in turn bring to the board of directors alot of knowledge about how the company actually works and it’s industry, which might not be typical of your average corporate board member.


Something else that could prove beneficial for the purposes of this assignment would be that by having union representation serving on the board, this might help to mitigate certain shortcomings of the collective bargaining process and increase worker productivity.

Another benefit to the company of having at least 2 union members on it’s board is that by the union having access to more company information that I mentioned earlier (financial health of the corporation, long-term prospects etc.) the chances of stalemate in bargaining could be decreased and more good faith type of bargaining may result. Basically because union representation on the board of directors is going to increase management credability with the union that it might not otherwise have. 

One benefit to both sides is that by having union representation on the board of directors is that at least in theory, it could facilitate the participation of employees in the control of their work environment, thereby increasing their productivity. It has often been said in different ways that problems such as absenteeism, turnover, and low productivity are the result of employees not feeling like they have any control over the direction of the company in which they work. I think this could definitely be in play in our case scenario. 


Douglas D.D., The Yale Law Journal Vol. 2, 106, 1982

[email protected] Should Union Members Join Corporate Boards? Retrieved from

Extended Medical Insurance Coverage to 90 Days for employees on lay off

 *If a 90 extended medical insurance coverage was possible it would be cheaper for employees due to COBRA being so expensive and the employee not receiving their paycheck

*Not all employers pay the insurance benefit premium for the employees at 100% so the amount of premium collected by the employee through payroll deduction would be difficult for the employer to collect

*A system could be set upon hire to allow an option for employees to set up an escrow for an extended 90 day coverage upon lay off if it becomes necessary

             *If employee denies option then the employee would not have the 90 day extension coverage option

             *If employee does want an escrow account in place for this option then the employer would have to have an additional system in place to collect the dollars via payroll deduction, etc.  Which when the layoff takes place the employer would have funds to deduct from for the employee portion of the premium

*An extended Medical Insurance Coverage would be additional expenses for the employer for their portion of the premium and if they are having a layoff  then generally there is a reason as to why they are laying off employees which may be difficult for the company to keep these additional expenses

If the 90 day extended medical insurance premium were available do you feel it would be a positive or a negative to both the employee and the employer?  Do you feel that my escrow idea would work why or why not?  

 I feel it would be positive for the employee who will be eliminated their paychecks and the cost of COBRA, the 90 extension could allow them to set up their unemployment benefits or find another job in the meantime. 

I feel that it would be more work for the employer and additional expenses

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