PA5 Decrypting a secret message

PA5: Decrypting a secret message In this assignment, you’ll decrypt a secret message using a cipher. A “cipher” is a program that converts a message in normal text into a secret message, and vice­versa. For example, the normal message “meet at five pm” might be converted to the secret message “[@@, !, (#<@ ][“ using a cipher. The secret message can be sent to a friend. Nobody else could read the message, expect the friend whose cipher would convert the secret message back to normal text. The starter program decrypts the first character in a secret message if that first character is ‘{‘. The complete list of cipher and normal characters to decrypt a message: ‘!’ ­> ‘a’ ‘^’ ­> ‘b’ ‘&’ ­> ‘c’ ‘*’ ­> ‘d’ ‘@’ ­> ‘e’ ‘(‘ ­> ‘f’ ‘)’ ­> ‘g’ ‘­’ ­> ‘h’ ‘#’ ­> ‘i’ ‘_’ ­> ‘j’ ‘=’ ­> ‘k’ ‘+’ ­> ‘l’ ‘[‘ ­> ‘m’ ‘{‘ ­> ‘n’ ‘$’ ­> ‘o’ ‘]’ ­> ‘p’ ‘}’ ­> ‘q’ ‘;’ ­> ‘r’ ‘:’ ­> ‘s’ ‘,’ ­> ‘t’ ‘%’ ­> ‘u’ ‘<‘ ­> ‘v’ ‘.’ ­> ‘w’ ‘>’ ­> ‘x’ ‘/’ ­> ‘y’ ‘?’ ­> ‘z’ 1) Decrypt by hand the following secret message: {#&@ Then, modify the program to decrypt all instances of ‘{‘ in the secret message to ‘n’. 2) Modify the program to decrypt all instances of 3 more decryptions: ‘&’ ­> ‘c’ ‘@’ ­> ‘e’ ‘#’ ­> ‘i’ Your program should decrypt the following secret message: {#&@ 3) Add the remaining 22 decryptions. Instead of coding 22 more branch statements, loop through the cipherV vector. Refer to the “Multiple vectors” section for an example of a program with two vectors. Here is an example program execution (user input is highlighted here for clarity): Enterasecretmessage:{#&@ Decryptedmessage:nice Here is an example program execution (user input is highlighted here for clarity): Enterasecretmessage:[@@,!,(#<@][ Decryptedmessage:meetatfivepm Here is an example program execution (user input is highlighted here for clarity): Enterasecretmessage:Y$%-!<@${&@!)!#{($#+@*[/]+!{: Decryptedmessage:Youhaveonceagainfoiledmyplans


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