Set each element to the name of each month. For example months[0] = January. Use a for loop to display the number and name of each month….

visual studio please

make a 12-element array called months. Set each element to the name of each month.

For example months[0] = “January”. Use a for loop to display the number and name of each month.

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Use an array initializer list to make a 4-element array to store the names of 4 seasons. Use a while loop to display the name of each season.

Use a for loop to output each of the values in the array names.

string[] names = { “Al Dente”, “Anna Graham”, “Earle Bird”, “Ginger Rayle”, “Iona Ford” };

Use a foreach loop to output each of the values in the array names.

string[] names = { “Al Dente”, “Anna Graham”, “Earle Bird”, “Ginger Rayle”, “Iona Ford” };

make an array of integers with 20 elements. Fill the array with random numbers. Use a foreach loop to print all integers in the array. The following code can be used to make a random number each time through the loop. Also, note that you will have 2 loops: 1 for loop to populate an array with random numbers and a second foreach to output each of the random values from the array.

Use this code to make a Random object called random. Put this code before the for loop.

Random random = new Random();

int randomNumber;

Use this code inside of your loop body to make a new random number each time through the loop:

randomNumber = random.Next(0, 100); // place this line in the loop

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