The assignment


  1. Always use the assignment instructions as your outline or skeleton.
    • A synopsis of the article (Introduction/Methods/Results/Discussion)
    • Introduction (You never actually use this heading; it is understood that it is the introduction or thesis and background.)
    • Methods
    • Results
    • Discussion

    The following questions should be answered during the presentation. Just briefly plug these responses under the appropriate heading/subheading.

    • Why did the scientists perform the study (i.e., a brief description of background)?
    • Specify any possible connection between the exposure and the disease.
    • What were the major techniques used in the study?
    • What were the major results, did they support or negate the hypothesis, and do they point to further/future studies?
    • Why did you choose this particular article to review?
    • Was it interesting, informative, clearly written, or none of the above?
    • All credit will be given for your honest opinions.
    • A discussion of the article’s strengths and limitations.

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