1) Calculate the heat released when 4.290 L Cl2 with a density of 2.46 g/L at 25C reacts with an excess of sodium metal to form solid sodium chloride…

1) Calculate the heat released when 4.290 L Cl2 with a density of 2.46 g/L at 25°C reacts with an excess of sodium metal to form solid sodium chloride at 25°C.___________ kJ2) How many grams of oxygen gas are required to produce 7.49 kJ of heat when hydrogen gas burns at constant pressure to produce gaseous water?ΔH = −484 kJLiquid water has a heat of vaporization of 44.0 kJ per mole at 25°C.__________ g3)How much heat is released when a mixture containing 12.9 g CS2 and 13.7 g Cl2 reacts by the following equation?CS2(g) + 3 Cl2(g) → S2Cl2(g) + CCl4(g)ΔH° = −230. kJ___________kJ

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