22) A solution is prepared by dissolving 0.23 mol of hydrofluoric acid and 0.27 mol of sodium fluoride in water sufficient to yield 1.00 L of…

22) A solution is prepared by dissolving 0.23 mol of hydrofluoric acid and 0.27 mol of sodium fluoride in water sufficient to yield 1.00 L of solution. The addition of 0.05 mol of HCl to this buffer solution causes the pH to drop slightly. The pH does not decrease drastically because the HCl reacts with the __________ present in the buffer solution. The Ka of hydrofluoric acid is 1.36 × 10-3.A) H2O???? H3O+C) fluoride ionD) hydrofluoric acidE) This is a buffer solution: the pH does not change upon addition of acid or base.

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