Air pollution is an environmental health

Air pollution is an environmental health

Air pollution is an environmental health problem in many cities throughout the world. Residents in an urban community through which a major freeway transportation route runs are suffering from a number of health effects. You are involved in planning and implementing a program that will aIDress reduction in exposure of the community, particularly young children in an elementary school, to air pollution and thereby reduce the impact of air pollution on the children.

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you do the following:

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1. Describe the common health problems associated with indoor and outdoor air pollution that result from vehicle emissions near major roadways in urban settings.

2. Describe why children are more vulnerable to the effects of these air pollutants.

3. Describe how you, as a public health professional, would plan and implement a program that will reduce the exposure of air pollution to children in this elementary school community as well as reduce the impact of air pollution on the health of the children. In your response, include preventive steps that can be taken by the community to reduce the exposure of children to air pollutants.

Please be sure to support your opinion with evidence from the literature.


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Air pollution is an environmental health

Air pollution is an environmental health

Air pollution is an environmental health problem in many cities throughout the world. Residents in an urban community through which a major freeway transportation route runs are suffering from a number of health effects. You are involved in planning and implementing a program that will aIDress reduction in exposure of the community, particularly young children in an elementary school, to air pollution and thereby reduce the impact of air pollution on the children.

Write a 2-3 page paper in which you do the following:

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1. Describe the common health problems associated with indoor and outdoor air pollution that result from vehicle emissions near major roadways in urban settings.

2. Describe why children are more vulnerable to the effects of these air pollutants.

3. Describe how you, as a public health professional, would plan and implement a program that will reduce the exposure of air pollution to children in this elementary school community as well as reduce the impact of air pollution on the health of the children. In your response, include preventive steps that can be taken by the community to reduce the exposure of children to air pollutants.

Please be sure to support your opinion with evidence from the literature.


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