Borderline Personality Disorder

Borderline Personality Disorder

Using the current research and theoretical knowledge on existing mental health difficulties, Borderline Personality Disorder, Dissociation, Clinical Depression, critically discuss the appropriate clinical treatment skills used for effective outcomes with

Subject: Psychology
Essay 3500 words.
Using the current research and Cognitive Behaviour Therapy theoretical knowledge on existing mental health difficulties, Borderline Personality Disorder, Dissociation, Clinical Depression, critically discuss the appropriate clinical treatment skills used for effective outcomes with patients.
Here, you will demonstrate your understanding of mental illness, diagnostics methods, symptology and the various therapeutic approaches used to treat them. Emphasis should be based on theoretical and research knowledge along with some personal subjectivity.
Your assessment tasks are designed to show that you can meet the learning outcomes of the module:
Demonstrate awareness and understanding of different models of mental ill health and well-being.
Analyse the inter-relationships of genome, processes of epigenesist and experience in the genesis of mental distress.
Evaluate the adequacy of diagnostic systems for mental distress 4 Positive mental health and wellness will be explored in relation to activities in mental health promotion and recovery.
Evaluate the adequacy of diagnostic systems for mental distress.
Positive mental health and wellness will be explored in relation to activities in mental health promotion and recovery.
Demonstrate a critical understanding of key underlying concepts and theories relevant to counselling.
Demonstrate a critical appreciation of key debates relevant to the concept of counselling.
Ability to be critically reflexive in the application of theories to counselling practice.

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Core Text:

1. Davey, G (2008) Psychopathology: Research, Assessment and Treatment in Clinical Psychology (Wiley Blackwell).

2. Rusello, A (2007) Severe Mental Illness in Primary Care: a companion guide for counsellors, psychotherapists and other professionals. Radcliffe Publishing
Key aIDitional texts:

1. DSM-IV-TR: Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (Diagnostic & Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders) by American Psychiatric Association (1994)

2. ICD-10: The ICD-10 Classification of Mental and Behavioural Disorders: Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines by World Health Organization (1992)
Further Reading:

1. Claringbull, N (2011) Mental Health in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Counselling and Psychotherapy Practice) (Learning Matters)

2. Daines, B, Gask, L & Howe, A (2007) Medical and Psychiatric Issues for Counsellors 2nd eds (Sage)

3. Freshwater, D (2006) Mental Health and ILLNESS: Questions and answers for counsellors and therapists (Wiley)

6. Lago, C (2005) Race, Culture and Counselling: The Ongoing Challenge ( University Press)

7. Schwitzer, A.M & Lawrence, L.B (2012) Diagnosis and Treatment Planning Skills for Mental Health Professionals: A Popular Culture Casebook Approach (Sage)




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