Business employees understand more than ever the importance of improving their writing skills.

Business employees understand more than ever the importance of improving their writing skills. Whether e-mailing status updates to team members, writing a Web article, preparing meeting agendas, or corresponding with potential customers, employees must write concise, coherent, clear, error-free documents and messages. As the founder of Business Writing Solutions, you offer one- and two-day business writing workshops for businesses and organizations. Your website features writing tips, workshop descriptions, and your contact information. These workshops are presented on-site in corporate training rooms.

You received an e-mail inquiry from Human Resources Director Janet Somerfield, who is considering a one-day, on-site business writing workshop for employees in her midsized advertising agency. Janet is looking at several seminar companies who offer writing training. She asks about pricing, optimal class size, and course content. She also wants to know whether you can offer feedback on writing samples. Because Janet is considering other training options, you decide to respond with an informal proposal. Your goal is to meet her needs and win the contract.

Review the components of an informal proposal and include the appropriate components, which may include the following: an introduction, a statement of your goals and purpose, the proposed seminar details (time requirements, optimal class size, costs, loca- tion, schedule), and a conclusion. Organize the proposal, write meaningful headings, and choose a readable font. Decide where it is appropriate to mention the following advantages of improving writing skills in business environments:

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  • Excellent writing skills help build trusting relationships, improve one’s professional image, and add to the credibility of an organization.
  • Business associates appreciate clarity, conciseness, and results-focused messages.
  • Better writing skills help employees advance their careers, which in turn improves retention.

The one-day workshop is offered in two 4-hour blocks in the client’s training room. The course includes the following topics: (a) writing results-oriented messages; (b) structuring routine, persuasive, and negative news messages; (c) reviewing the most common grammar errors; and (d) designing documents for readability. You will also offer feedback on brief writing samples furnished by the participants. Employees who attend the workshop will earn a certificate of completion.

The cost of the writing workshop is $175 per person. If 15 employees participate, the cost would be $2,625. The cost includes work- books and writing supplies for each participant.

Your Task. Write an informal letter proposal promoting a one-day business writing workshop to Janet Somerfield, Director, Human Resources, Faulkner Advertising, 420 Fowler Avenue, Tampa, FL 33620.

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