Carter Case

Carter Case

Identify and discuss the major issues, themes, needs, and challenges faced by multiracial individuals as presented in the readings of this unit and the Carter Case Study you viewed, and relative to what you learned about racial identity development models.
Describe how multiracial individuals are similar to and different from other groups; be sure to aIDress identity development.
Consider the case of the Carters from your specialization area (for example, you are a couples or family counselor working with the Carters, James’ school or career counselor, or the mental health or aIDictions counselor who James’ parents have told him he had to see).
What bio-psycho-social characteristics or concerns stand out to you as salient in this case and why?
Imagine that you are the counselor€”propose three culturally relevant strategies you would use in helping your client to resolve conflicts and to promote optimal wellness and growth in terms of mind, body, and spirit.
Carter Case Study

The Carters are a miIDle class family who live in a predominantly white area. Mrs. Carter is African American, and Mr. Carter is European American. They are concerned as their son James, a junior in high school and honors student, is adopting music, clothing, and behaviors associated with low-SES African-Americans when they have tried to raise him not to identify with those parts of Black culture. In the past month they have experienced conflict with James who has challenged their expectations. They have also noticed that he has smelled of alcohol when returning home from spending the evening at friend’s house, and just this week they received a call from one of James’ teachers reporting he may fail a class.

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