Consider yourself as a chief officer who has been assigned by the fire chief to investigate your community’s land use plan (which is sometimes referred to as the general plan).

Consider yourself as a chief officer who has been assigned by the fire chief to investigate your community’s land use plan (which is sometimes referred to as the general plan).

1. Interview a city or county planner (preferably the planning director or a lead planner who works with the general plan) and ask:
for an overview of what the expected growth is for the next 5 to 10 years.
if the safety element within the plan adequately aIDresses the fire mission challenges associated with the aIDed impact of any growth.
2. Then develop a report for the fire chief that indicates your assessment of the safety element and your recommendations for the future.

Before writing your recommendations, search the web (using or another search engine) for strategic and master plans in the fire service. Review at least three different plans; make reference to at least one of those plans when writing your recommendations.

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Explain the benefits of using SORC to judge the future plan for your fire and emergency service response and consider aIDing this into the safety element of your city or county general plan. Search the web (using or another search engine) for Standards of Response Coverage in the Fire Service and see how many different references and informational options exist.
3. Now that you have completed the readings you should have a better understanding of the planning tools used for organizational development. Just as with carpentry or with mechanics work, it’s important to use the right tool for the right job. With that in mind please give a short description of how you would use the following planning tools: Master Plan, Strategic Plan, Budget, Operational Plan (short and long term), Mission Statement, Vision Statement, Work Breakdown Structure, Goal, Objective, and Network Diagrams. Explain how the leadership and management skills used by the FSA come together by properly using these tools.

4. What is your agency’s records retention policy? How about a policy for sharing recorded information with the public? Are the policies written and clearly understood by all personnel? What improvements would you include? Are you adequately protecting medica
1) In view of the events which have precipitated the current crisis and under the constitution as presently drafted, consider what are the likely objectives of each of the three branches of state (i.e. executive, legislature and judiciary) and how they might achieve those objectives.

2) Does the fact a written constitution has been created here ensure there is no abuse of power and an adequate separation of powers?

3) Identify any amendments which you consider would be necessary to ensure the principle of the separation of powers is observedl records in accordance with HIPAA requirements?

7) Did the provider see you in your street clothes or in a patient gown?



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