Design a small country that fosters the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

Design a small country that fosters the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people

Paper instructions:
It is to be formatted using APA style, which we learned earlier this semester. (See the h.o. attached below that I created specifically for this assignment.)
5.Your research essay will begin with a Cover Page and end with References.
6.Below I provide a sample of APA formatting.  It is attached as a WORD file.  Download and use it!!  It is THE example against which your paper will be graded.

You may use it as a template.  Note that it includes aIDitional info that your final papers will need, such as an abstract.
7.As usual for essays in our class, use WORD.  Times New Roman font, size 12.  Standard margins.  Double-spaced.  Page numbers inserted in upper right hand corner.

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Running header (shows up on each page) in upper right hand corner beside the page number; the running header is an abbreviated version of your title.
8.You must create at least one graph / chart as a visual aid in your essay.  In WORD:  Insert > Chart
9.You must use at least five sources.  These will be documented under References.
10.As you practiced earlier in the semester, at least three sources must be from EBSCO.  To use this database, first go to this Coastline link, where you’ll need

to enter your Coastline MyCCC username and password.  Then click on EBSCOhost > Student Research Center.
11.If you have problems using the online library, contact the librarian:  Cheryl Stewart / Hours: Monday €“ Friday / Email: [email protected] / Phone: 714-241

12.You MAY use and quote articles from our textbook.
13.ESSAY TOPIC:  Design a small country that fosters the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people.
14.To do so, you’ll create policies and rationalize them using evidence from your research.
15.You’ll need to define clearly your terms (happiness, greatest number, etc.).
16.Organization:  Your essay will have an introduction paragraph, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph€“a beginning, miIDle, and end.
17.Final Research Project’s total length (including title page, abstract, and references) = 8-10 pages. Do not write under or over this page range.  [1 page title

+  1 page abstract  + 5-7 pages content  +  1 page references  =  8-10 pages total.]
18.Your body paragraphs will zoom in on five or more national interests.  Examples include:  class, race, ideologies (belief systems, religions, and so on), urban

design, architecture, transportation, renewable resources, leadership / system of government, arts (painting, literature, music, film), military, cuisine, physical /

mental health of citizens, entertainment, invented history, scientific innovation / research, technology, health care, family structure, economic policies, business

practices, imports / exports, geographic location, topography, natural habitat€¦. and any others you can think of.
19.To reiterate:  YOU are creating a country.  Although ostensibly a research paper, this is really a form of creative writing.  Pick five or more national

interests on which to focus.  Support your proposed policies with concrete evidence from EBSCO articles and other online research.  For inspiration refer to the essays

in Chapters 26 (on the ideal society), 27 (on free will), and 28 (on happiness€“you’re assigned to read it this week€“c’est parfait!).
20.To reiterate€“I’ve written an APA style guide and given you organization advice.  Download the essential WORD document attached below.
21.Again, this is both a creative and an expository essay.  Have fun with it€“strut your stuff€“you’re all strong, capable writers by now.  Be sure to create an

outline, organize your ideas into sections, and use transitions to signal shifts from section to section.  Ask anything in the Final Research Project discussion

topic (see below
It is to be formatted using APA style, which we learned earlier this semester. (See the h.o. attached below that I created specifically for this assignment.)
Eng 100€“Final Research Project Rubric€“My Ideal Country
/3 Format:  cover page, abstract, references, margins, spacing, font, header
/5 Organization:  intro, body, conclusion; topic sentences, transitions
/7 Mechanics:  grammar, punctuation, syntax, spelling
/10 Argumentation:  integration of sources, graph, detail, depth of thought, fluidness

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