discussion 200 words must post first are you bugged think about the cyber rules that you have been asked to follow while either at your workplace or at college that are unacceptable to you include a short description of the cyber rule in the subject | essaywriters4life.com

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Are you bugged?

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Think about the cyber rules that you have been asked to follow while either at your workplace or at college that are unacceptable to you. Include a short description of the cyber rule in the subject line (e.g., don’t share passwords). Provide an example of such a cyber rule and commenting on why it bugs you, and steps that can be taken to make it more acceptable. If you can’t think of any rule that bugs you personally, post a one to two paragraph response on a cyber rule that might be bothersome to a coworker or fellow student and give reasons why.

Research why this rule might have merits or otherwise. Provide one citation and reference in your initial response (APA format).

Reply to the main topic (180 word minimum) for up to 10 points, 2 points for an APA reference, and reply to 2 other student posts (60 word minimum each) for an additional 8 points. You are graded on the quality of your posts in content, grammar, and clarity of your writing.

You must start a thread before you can read and reply to other threads


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