Discussion 4: Compare The French And The American Health Care System


  • Cultural discussion postings  GRADING CRITARIA:
    • Cultural discussion postings: are to be posted by the due date on the Webcourses discussions, also accessible on the daily pages via a link. They are to be 500 words minimum and are done in English for full credit.
    • Students must post the word count of the posting (no student’s name and course and/or assignment information necessary) at the end of their submission.
    • These postings are ACADEMIC postings and, as such, your organization and language should be appropriate. The postings should NOT be summaries of articles and information found in the book and online – they should indicate your CRITICAL THINKING about the topic.
    • If you have experienced different cultures, you are encouraged to share your experiences and to compare what you know and have experienced with what the book and other sources tell you about various aspects of French and francophone life
    • Students who show no evidence of critical thinking will receive a maximum grade of 70% on the assignment.
    • Students who do not write at least 500 words will receive credit for the number of words they wrote divided by 500. (i.e. Student A writes 350 words; the grade = 70% (350/500))
    • Failure to state word count will result in a deduction of one (1) point for the assignment.
    • Failure to list sources will result in a deduction of one (1) point per missing resource for the assignment.


Option #1 : Health issues, check p404 and online and compare the differences and similarities between the French and American Health care system.

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Discussion in English, 500 words.

Option #2: Health issues, check p404 and online and compare the differences and similarities between a French Speaking Country Health care system and American Health care system. Discussion in English, 500 words.

Option #3: Do some research online, and see how French Speaking Countries (you can pick one or two)  have handled the COVID-19 crisis.  Compare it with how it is handled here in the US. Discussion in English, 500 words.

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