discussion 5 variance analysis | essaywriters4life.com

– Discussion should end with a “tag-line” / 2 References / APA format

Write an analytical summary of your learning outcomes from chapters 9 and 10. In addition to your analytical summary, address the following:

Chapter 9 : http://lectures.mhhe.com/narrated_slides/007802563…

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Chapter 10 : http://lectures.mhhe.com/narrated_slides/007802563…

1. As a manager, discuss how you would use or have used the concepts presented in chapters 9 and 10.

2. Why might managers find a flexible-budget analysis more informative than static-budget analysis?

3. How might a manager gain insight into the causes of flexible-budget variances for direct materials, labor, and overhead? Provide at least one numerical example to support your thoughts.


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