discussion question involving HR

This is a two part discussion question that needs a response. The response needs to be a paragraph or more long, in addition there needs to be a response to Crystal Edwards response; a paragraph long too.

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1. Review Table 10.3 on pages 283-284 of your textbook. Rank the best practices provided in order of importance, based on their priority within a global organization. Give a brief explanation as to why you ranked them that way.

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Crystal Edwards-respond to Crystal Edwards response

Professor and Class,

Review Table 10.3 on pages 283-284 of your textbook. Rank the best practices provided in order of importance, based on their priority within a global organization. Give a brief explanation as to why you ranked them that way.

After reviewing the table in our readings, I would say that it is in correct order already. I do feel in some circumstances #5 about longer training could be moved up some, but that would really be on a case by case bases depending on the employee. You must always assess the situation, job needing to be completed, employee who has the skills and qualifications to complete the job as well as include the family before moving on. It is almost like a job interview.

Crystal E

2. In an international organization, which HR practice do you believe would be most useful to the employees? Please support your answer.-respond to discussion question

Crystal Edwards-respond to Crystal Edwards response

Professor and Class,

In an international organization, which HR practice do you believe would be most useful to the employees?

I believe that all HR practices are important to any organization, but most definitely to an international organization. The ones that I believe would be most useful to the employee would be the training that the HR Education Department does for all employees along with Employee Relations within HR. Without the proper training before, during and after a job then you have an employee that will not help your business or organization. They will only hurt you long term. But, Employee Relations, also is crucial within a business so they can help with any difficulties or touchy situations that the employees or business itself must handle to make sure everyone is within guidelines.

Crystal E

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