Discussion Question: “Medicaid Expansion and the Affordable Care Act”

“Medicaid Expansion and the Affordable Care Act” Please respond to the following:


Read the Senate Bill HB 707 for the state of Georgia located in Week 2. You may also view the article at http://www.legis.ga.gov/Legislation/20132014/143506.pdf. Next, predict the impact of Senate Bill HB 707 on the expansion of Medicaid in the State of Georgia. Defend or critique the implications of Georgia’s HB 707 on Georgia’s uninsured population. Support your position using a minimum of two (2) sources from the textbook or Internet.

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Identify the positive trends relative to the future of organized delivery systems. Provide one (1) example of an organized delivery system in your area, and examine its impact on reducing costs, increasing access to care, and improving quality of care.


Note: This professor uses a plagiarism checker. Sources must be current, meaning published within the last 3 years. This discussion question only requires 250-350-word response (equivalent 2 paragraphs).

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