Discussion Questions between 100 and 150 words for each question

Discussion Questions

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  • Why is assessing a human source’s motivation so important?
  • How does criminal intelligence drive an investigation?
  • How can an investigator assess the reliability of criminal intelligence?

Required readings:

Ogle, R. R. (2011). Crime scene investigation and reconstruction (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle

River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall. (ISBN: 978-0136093602)

Osterburg, J. W., & Ward, R. H. (2013). Criminal investigation: A method for

reconstructing the past (7th ed.). Cincinnati, OH: Anderson Publishing (ISBN: 978-1455731381)

You must answer the questions thoroughly and cite all relevant assigned readings for that week (using APA format).

You may also refer to outside sources as long as they are scholarly (e.g., peer-reviewed journals) and/or reputable (e.g., article from The New York Times, chapter from another textbook). DO NOT refer to or incorporate information from extremely unreliable sources (e.g., Wikipedia, TMZ, and The Onion).

Posts must be well written, free of grammatical errors, relevant to the topic, and demonstrate critical thinking and analysis.

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