Discussion the purpose of a partnership agreement. Is such an agreement necessary for partnership formation?

Discussion the purpose of a partnership agreement. Is such an agreement necessary for partnership formation?

Why do you think it is so important to consider thoughtfully and prayerfully those we decide to partner with? Include a Biblical reference(s) into your response. Remember that this does not simply mean list a Bible verse in addition to your response.

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  1. Provide a supported response in your own words* to the discussion topic/question given for your post. *Any substantial copying and pasting from any source without quotations marks and referencing will result in severe grade penalties on the total grade. Quoting a source is, of course, acceptable. However, paraphrasing is preferable.
  2. One scripture reference with application to your post is required for the initial post.
  3. Two peer-reviewed scholarly references are needed.
  4. 200 to 400 words

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