Discussion Topic II (US Of Secrets) Assignment

Requirements: Use link and watch Part 2 of the United states of Secrets documentary: https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/united-states-of-secrets/#video-2

Then, write a 1-2 page paper that includes answers to the following three questions (remember to cite sources):

1) Do we really need privacy? Some people are of the philosophy that “national security” or “commercial purposes” privacy intrusions don’t really matter.  IT is constantly fighting the battle of security over freedom with user access rights. Do you feel that the user of technology should have no expectation of privacy?

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2) What do you think of the robot description discussed by Google. Do you feel that it is an invasion of privacy?

3) Two successive administrations have supported surveillance programs. Research a new law that has been implemented to protect privacy in the US and the World.

Remember to cite your sources in a bibliography.

You will post your paper on Blackboard, under “US of Secrets – Submit Discussion Paper” link.

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