discussion week 1

Post on three separate days to the discussion board. Make an initial post that answers both questions, and then make two more posts on separate days to two different classmates. It is important to review the Discussion Board rubric to understand the expectations and grading criteria. Include at least one reference and citation using APA 6th edition format.

Deduction Policy for Discussions

  • Deduction for failure to post on 3 different dates (-10 pts).
  • If you write one post for the entire week the highest score you will get is a thirty-three (33).
  • -5 pts if you do not have a major post written by midnight (EST) Thursday of the week.
  • -5 pts if either question of your major response post does not have at least 150 words. Note: Copying the words of the question being asked or the words used in your reference(s) will not count toward meeting the minimum word count.
  • -10 pts if either question of your major response post does not have at least 100 words.
  • -15 pts if either question of your major response post does not have at least 75 words.
  • (up to -10 pts) for posts that contain no substance when responding to your classmate. (i.e.) Post that state “I agree with you. Great point.” are not acceptable (You should be able tell your classmate why you agree or disagree or add something to the discussion)
  • If you are missing both a reference and an in-text citation in your major post you will be deducted a total of 15 pts.
  • (-7.5 pts) for not having a reference or an in-text citation in at least one of your three posts.
  • Zero pts are awarded to one or two sentence responses. Please take you time to provide substance in your response.
  • Copying the posts from another student in the class will result in a ZERO for the assignment. No exceptions.

To begin discussing in this forum, click the forum title. Then, click Create Thread on the Action Bar to post your initial reply. To reply to a fellow participant, click the title of the initial post, then click Reply.

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Using the information in pages 60-75 of the HIPAA text, answer and discuss the following:

1. Why is documentation of HIPAA training necessary? What do you consider to be the primary reasons for the enactment of HIPAA? How can a healthcare manager be proactive in protecting PHI?

Using the information from pages 76-85 of the HIPAA text, answer and discuss the following:

1. What do you believe is the “moral and legal premise” of patient autonomy”?

2. Explain in your own words the objectives of the Patient Bill of Rights.

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