Evaluate the effectiveness of interpersonal, group, and public communication

Outcome: Evaluate the effectiveness of interpersonal, group, and public communication through self-reflection and shared feedback. Identify, locate, evaluate and use information technologies and information sources.

Goal: The goal of the assignment is to explore your identity and how this influences interpersonal communication.

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Assignment specifics:

I Identify two social identities in the form of race, class, ethnicity, profession, gender, religion, family, subculture or other group identity. (e.g. Chinese, Accountant, Gay, Catholic). Briefly define, explain and describe each social group. (1 page)

II Identify the concrete, tangible, three dimensional signifiers of each identity including symbols, clothing, imagery, sound and documents of each identity. Then, identify the abstract values, attitudes, beliefs, norms and underlying assumptions of each identity. (1-2 Pages)

III Apply 3 course concepts from chapters 1-5 or from course lectures that explain or illustrate the development of your identity. Identify the concept, define it explicitly, and then cite the source or lecture of your concept or theory by page, author or date. (1 Page).

IV Finally, briefly argue whether the social values, attitudes, beliefs or behaviors for each identity are positive or negative, and whether they should be sustained, abandoned or used differently, in addition to whether these attributes are positive or negative in managing interpersonal relationships with others. (1 page).

Format: 12 font Times New Roman, 1.5 spaces

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