Evaluating Organizational ChangeDescription:This Assignment provides an overview of how to evaluate evidence-based practice quality improvement in a practice change.Directions:1. Introduce an overv

Evaluating Organizational Change


This Assignment provides an overview of how to evaluate evidence-based practice quality improvement in a practice change.

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1. Introduce an overview of a healthcare system practice guideline, preferably where you work or have worked.

2. Discuss how different professionals in the healthcare system (nurses, pharmacists, technicians, etc.) are held to this guideline.

3. Identify the research/reference used by the system to adopt the guideline.

4. Define the evidence used to define the guideline.

5. Determine the level of evidence used in the EBP identified.

6. Provide an opinion on how well this guideline is followed by professionals in the system.

7. Conclude with a concise overview of the guideline and the discussion in the paper.

Write the paper in 8–10 pages, using APA format.

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