Evaluating the External Environment

Minimum of 250 words in the body Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts

Content must include:

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 Summary of the author’s Main Thread – no less than 125 words

 What you agreed with, did not agree with and why – no less than 125 words

Minimum of 500 words in the body and a Minimum of 2 sources from the literature in addition to course texts Use the following outline:

 Introduction

 Process: Evaluating the External Environment – no less than 200 words

 Strategic Thinking: Discussion of a Key source of Power / Weakness, why – no less than 200 words

 Decision Model: no less than 100 words

 How do my decision models aid / hinder this, why  What decision models are being considered, why

 Conclusion

Include an Annotated Bibliography of the 2 additional Sources: Minimum of 250 words in annotation Summary of Key Points Evaluation of the Quality of the Publication Evaluation of the Quality of the Author(s) Where this fits into the discussion

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