Evolution and Interrelationship Among Leadership Theories

please give feedback to question 1-6 use proper paraphrasing and references also cite and can you put the reference for each under the answer of each questions thank you.

The contingency theory is less about only being able to succeed in leading in the same environment from where you built your experience and more about identifying the type of situations where someone is most comfortable leading in and their preferred approach to leadership (task focused vs. relationship oriented). So, using an example, someone who is skilled in social work and assuming a heavy reliance on a relationship style where a supportive and encouraging leadership style is needed may very well be exceptional leading a runway show where large egos from high salaried models might need to be coaxed rather than “pushed” into doing what needs to be done. On the other hand, someone who is successful to leading a construction site crew might not have the best leadership approach to succeed in that situation.

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1.The contingency model requires an assessment of leadership style and leadership approach in situations to determine best leadership fit. This model is not without its critics though. What is the problem with assuming every leader necessarily fits into a neatly organized category and is precisely fit or not fit for particular leadership positions?

. As we have been learning, there are inherent characteristics that leadership requires that people either have or don’t have. It’s not a commentary on anyone’s character if they don’t possess those characteristics. But, it does suggest some people will need to be ruled ineligible for certain positions requiring leadership. The problem is, most companies don’t necessarily recruit or promote that way.

2.How should organizations manage this leadership skills requirement? Is it a matter of eliminating people who don’t possess pre-defined skills and characteristics? Or, is there some way for an organization to help those who are willing and inclined to (try) to become leaders even if they don’t seem to possess the natural abilities for (effective) leadership?

3. By choosing specific experiences and competencies, people gain the qualities needed to be productive leaders. In that light, should organizations establish a career path for people to follow so they have the opportunity to become effective leaders? Or, should they leave “career-pathing” to individual selection and chance with the hope enough people will learn the “right” lessons along the way of their careers to take on leadership roles in the future?

4.Many organizations do practice “career-pathing” where they identify leader candidates and guide them through experiences designed to expose them to leadership experiences. Training, coaching, and mentorship are often components of such a defined program. Thinking about your own organizations, what are specific critical experiences that a leader-in-training would need to encounter to achieve leadership competence? What does an ideal career path for a leader look like?

5.What is Change behaviors and example.

6.What is behavior changes in leadership and example

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