Exam 4 database

Hey my friends recommend you for my cis class you have already did this assignment so should be easy.

Part 1 – Create your file and Import your data

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  1. Start by creating your own original new file using Excel 2013 or 2016 with the name Jonathan.Hammi_Exam4.xlsx
    Files not created in Excel 2013 may not earn full credit!
  2. Enter the appropriate Excel header and footer elements in the locations below.
    The only part you should type manually is your name.
    Header / Footer
  3. Each student has a unique data file for this assignment.
    Left Click the link below to create your file. A download link will appear after you click the link and your file has been created.
    By clicking Create My Data File the button below you agree to follow the guidelines for this assignment.
    files Click once
  4. Import the data file that you downloaded
    The file is a Comma Delimited file so be sure to select that option during the import
    import the data into cell A3 in the current worksheet
    at this point your file should look something like this with 417 rows of data
  5. Add the following 3 document properties via the Document Properties panel.
    Author: jonathan.hammi
    Title: Exam 4 spring 2018
    Comments: location where you completed the exam examples
    if you completed it at home then list – “home computer
    if you complete it on campus then list the room and computer number
    examples – “Cuyamaca E206 system 32” or “Grossmont 541 system 32
    Tech Mall examples – “Cuyamaca Tech Mall system 16” or “Grossmont Tech Mall system 41
  6. Save the file with the name Jonathan.Hammi_Exam4.xlsx

Part 2 – Layout, Format and Enter Formulas – Revenue Worksheet

This part of the exam modifies the worksheet to format and calculate the revenue with a discount

  1. Worksheet data entry, the following cells should contain information as follows:
    cell G2 contains the text Markup.
    cell G3 contains the text Order Total.
    cell H2 contains the value 15% formatted as percent with 0 decimal places.
    cell H3
    contains the text Sale Price.
  2. Add the title your last name Revenue in cell A1. (e.g. Hammi Revenue).
  3. Change the title font size in cell A1 to 18 points.
  4. Calculate Order Total in column G for all 416 items.
    The Order Total is the Quantity times the Unit Price.
  5. Calculate Sales Price in column H for all 416 items.
    The Sales Price is the Order Total times (1 + Markup) + Quantity times Shipping.
  6. Merge and Center the title in cell A1 across only the data columns of the worksheet.
  7. Add like breaks between words in all column titles with 2 words by using a line break.
    Do not use wrap lines.
  8. Change all column widths to 20 to verify that the text still wraps correctly.
    Then set columns A, C, D, E, and F to a width of 10
    and adjust columns B, G, and H to the width of 13.
  9. Bold all column headings in row 3.
  10. Align all the column titles vertically at the top and horizontally centered.
  11. Theme make sure you are using the standard Office theme and set the background color of cell A1 to Green, Accent 6 Darker 25% and the text color to White.
  12. Change the background color of cells A3:H3 to Green, Accent 6 Lighter 60%.
    View Formatted Example of rows 1 – 3 to this point
  13. Rename the worksheet tab to Revenue.
  14. Change the tab color to Green, Accent 6, Lighter 60%.
  15. Freeze panes – only Column A and Rows 1-3 should always visible when you scroll the worksheet either horizontally or vertically
  16. Enter formulas at the bottom of the Order Totaland Sales Price columns to calculate the total all items each of those columns and bold the cells.
  17. Enter the text Totals in column F next to the formulas you added and bold the cell.
  18. Add the range name Revenue_Total for the Sales Price total cell at the bottom of the Sales Price column. The scope of the range name should be the workbook and not restricted to a worksheet. Check the scope using the Name Manager.
  19. Format as follows:
    • columns, Unit Price, Shipping – set as comma style
    • columns Order Total, Sales Price – set as comma style with 0 decimal places
    • column D – Short Date
    • cell H2 – Percent
  20. Change the worksheet view to the Normal view (if needed).
  21. Save the workbook before continuing.

Part 3 – What-If Analysis – Analysis Worksheet

  1. Copy the Revenue worksheet to a new tab changing tab name to Analysis
  2. Change the tab color to Orange, Accent 2, Lighter 60%
  3. Change the text in cell A1 to Analysis
  4. Change background fill color the cell A1 to Orange Accent 2, Darker 25%
  5. Add the range name Analysis_Total for the Sales total revenue cell at the bottom of the column. The scope of the range name should be the workbook and not restricted to a worksheet.
  6. Use Goal Seeking to adjust the Markup value in cell H2 so that the Sales Price total value is $30,000 higher than the value in the Revenue worksheet.
    – You must use goal seeking.
    – Be sure the column is wide enough to display the result at the bottom of the column.
  7. Format the data area A3:H419 including the column headings but not the totals at the bottom of the columns as a Table using style Medium 3 (1st row in Medium list, column 3)
    – Select Yes if you receive the message “Your selection overlaps one or more data ranges. …”
  8. Change the fill color for the column headings in row 3 to match row 1. – see example

Part 4 – Sorting and Filtering – Filtered Worksheet

  1. Copy the Revenue worksheet to a new tab and name it Filtered
  2. Change the tab color to Blue, Accent 1, Lighter 60%
  3. Change the text in cell A1 to Filtered
  4. Change background fill color the cell A1 to Blue, Accent 1, Darker 25%
  5. Delete the totals and adjacent text at the bottom of the data rows in the Filtered worksheet so only the sales remain.
  6. Add a filters for the column headings in row 3 of the Filtered worksheet.
  7. Using the Sort button on the ribbon, add a Custom Sort
    the data by the Category Name in ascending order (A to Z)
  8. Add a secondary sort on the Quantity in ascending order (Smallest to Largest)
  9. Add Subtotals for Order Total and Sales Price with each change in Category Name and include Summary below the data
  10. Change the filter to only show the Meat/Poultry Category and Meat/Poultry Total by selecting those values from the filter list
    see example
  11. Add the range name Filtered_Total for the Grand Total in the Sales Price column. The scope of the range name should be the workbook and not restricted to a worksheet.

Part 5 – Create Totals Worksheet

  1. Copy the Revenue worksheet to a new tab and name it Totals
  2. Change the tab color to Gold, Accent 4, Lighter 60%
  3. Change the text in cell A1 to Totals
  4. Change background fill color the cell A1 to Gold, Accent 4, Darker 25%
  5. Delete the totals and adjacent text at the bottom of the data rows in the Totals worksheet so only the sales remain.
  6. Using the Sort button on the ribbon, add a Custom Sort
    Sort the data by the Category Name in ascending order (A to Z)
  7. Add a secondary sort on the Order Total in descending order (Largest to Smallest)
  8. Add Subtotals for each change in Category Name with a sum of the Order Total and Sales Price
  9. Collapse the outlines to Hide Detail so that only the subtotals are displayed
    see example
  10. Add the range name Grand_Total for the Grand Total of the Sales Price cell. The scope of the range name should be the workbook and not restricted to a worksheet.

Part 6 – Create a 3D Pie Chart

  1. Create a 3D Pie Chart of the category names Beverages thru Seafood and their associated Sales Price subtotals from the Totals worksheet
  2. Move the chart to a new worksheet named Pie Chart
  3. Change the chart style to Style 8
  4. Add Percentages and Category Name as the only data labels and set them to display on the outside edge of the chart
  5. Change the chart title SALES BY CATEGORY – see example
  6. Change the name of the chart worksheet tab to Pie Chart if needed

Part 7 – Adding Summary Worksheet

  1. Add a New Worksheet and named Summary
  2. Change the Summary worksheet tab color to Dark Red (in the Standard Colors)
  3. Enter the title Exam 4 Summary in cell A1 and copy the format from cell A1 in the Revenue worksheet.
  4. Enter text in the cells as indicated below

    A B C D
    1 Exam 4 Summary
    3 Worksheets Value Range
    4 Revenue
    5 Analysis
    6 Filtered
    7 Totals
  5. Bold the text in cells A3:D3, Center the text in cell B3
  6. Indent the content of cells A4:A7
  7. Add the formulas listed below to reference the named cells as follows:
    cell B4 = Revenue_Total
    cell B5 = Analysis_Total
    cell B6 = Filtered_Total
    cell B7 = Grand_Total
  8. Format the values in column B using the comma style format with 0 decimal places.
    Then adjust the colum width so the values are correctly displayed
  9. Paste the range names starting in cell D4 using the Paste List command.
  10. Adjust the column width so the names are completely displayed
  11. Create a hyperlink to each worksheet from the text in cells A4:A7; i.e. link the text
    in cell A4 (Revenue) to the Revenue worksheet
  12. Arrange the worksheet tabs in the following order from left to right
    Summary, Revenue, Analysis, Filtered, Totals, Pie Chart – see example
  13. Select the Revenue worksheet.
  14. Save the file and exit Excel
  15. Upload the file Jonathan.Hammi_Exam4.xlsx to the class Drop Box using the Exam 4 link

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