final assignment due |

Please use the Harvard Business School citation style, that i attach Please use the Harvard Business School citation style, that i attach Please use the Harvard Business School citation style, that i attach

*** For this assignment you will need the readings for Class 5-Part // ***

For the response paper, please answer the following questions in one coherent essay:

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1. In your opinion, what societal role do NGOs fulfill? Do you see their activities as beneficial for society or detrimental? Why?

2. What is your view on the activities of IRN against the Bujagali Dam project? Do you think IRN’s opposition to the project is legitimate and justified? Please explain your answer in detail.

3. Do you think that the Bujagali Dam project would be good for Uganda? Why? Should the project be implemented? Is it a good investment for AES?

Please follow the following guidelines for the paper:

Please use the document template provided on Blackboard to write-up your answer.

-The paper should be 2 pages single-spaced (1 inch margins, 12 point Times New Roman font)

– Please submit the paper as MS Word document online on Blackboard.

-The paper should be one coherent essay that contains the answers to the questions outlined above (i.e. do not answer each question in different segments separately).

-Papers will be graded based on content (e.g. strength of arguments, reasoning etc.), on writing style and on formal aspects (e.g. correct grammar etc.). Collaboration for the paper is not permitted. Citations and references:

O You are only allowed to use readings from our course and for Class 5 to write the

response paper O Please include references to any sources you use from our readings (the paper will be

checked for plagiarism!) (the paper will be checked for plagiarism!) (the paper will be checked for plagiarism!)Direct quotes always have to be identified as such (also from readings we have covered

in class) o References should be listed on a separate page and do not count towards the 2-pages

for the paper. Please include all references as endnotes. Please use the Harvard Business School citation style, that i attach


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