Final Exam Assignment

In a paper that has no page minimum or maximum length, please respond to the

following questions in detail:

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1. Pick 5 concepts from the book and explain in detail how you understood the

application of those concepts by completing one OR both of the simulations.

a. How can you use these same concepts in developing a strategy in your

future workplaces?

2. Explain your company’s primary strategy from the Cesim’s Global Challenge in


a. How effectively or ineffectively did you implement your strategy? Use

evidence from the reports to support your response.

3. Critique how effectively you contributed to your team and your firm in the

Cesim’s Global Challenge simulation.

a. What did you do well?

b. What could you have done better?

c. Provide support for your point of view.

4. Critique how effectively your team worked together?

a. What did you do well?

b. What could have been done better?

c. Provide support for your point of view.

5. What did you like about the Platform Wars simulation? Why?

6. What did you dislike about the Platform Wars simulation? Why?

7. What did you like about the Cesim Global Challenge simulation? Why?

8. What did you dislike about the Cesim Global Challenge simulation? Why?

9. What advice would you give to me regarding the use of Platform Wars AND

Cesim Global Challenge next semester?

a. What should I keep doing?

b. What should I stop doing?

c. What should I start doing?

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