Final Global Business Plan PRESENTATION

Purpose of Assignment

This course has provided the knowledge necessary to create an all-encompassing global business plan. The final goal is the pull together analyses to create a business plan using the product and country you selected in week 2. The business plan should take the form of a comprehensive and cohesive presentation by the student.

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Assignment Steps

Prepare a minimum 15-slide Final Global Business Plan. Your Final Global Business Plan should integrate previous global business plan assignments as well as encompassing several new assessments that you had only discussed in class.

Include the following information in your plan (with the option of omitting as many of three (3) of the following bullet items from your presentation):

  • Develop an Executive Summary including a short overview of the entire Final Global Business Plan. It should follow the structure and order of the plan and not exceed two pages.
  • Design a Mission Statement and articulate the purpose of the company’s existence in as few words as possible.
  • Identify the company name, product or service description, and explain the information obtained regarding the legal, cultural, and ethical challenges that formulated your rationale for selecting your target country. Describe the mode of country entry selected. Refer to your country risk analysis.
  • Develop a chain of command and describe the legal company structure selected. Refer to your organization and product analysis.
  • Define the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act and how it’s applied in international business.
  • Formulate an industry analysis to include: industry size, growth rate, industry trends and long term prospects. Refer to your industry analysis.
  • Develop a market analysis to include: a market segmentation and target market selection, SWOTT and PEST analysis, estimate of annual sales, market share and distribution channels. Refer to your organization and product analysis.
  • Describe the following as part of your marketing plan: product modification-if any, influences of social culture on product, pricing, use of current global information technologies to promote product introductions and distribution channels.
  • Describe in detail the functions of the foreign exchange market as it pertains to: currency conversion to implement payment of trade and supplies, the potential risks in exchange rates, and cyber and technology risks. Refer to your Week 3 Individual Assignment.
  • Identify two potential international sources of financing. Refer to your Week 4 Individual Assignment.
  • Compose an income statement extending three months to include: cash from units sold, less variable and fixed cost, less taxes, to equal monthly net profit. Use estimated unit value. Refer to class discussion.
  • Compose a cash flow statement extending three months to include: cash balance at beginning of month, monthly cash flows from operations, less uses of cash, to equal cash balance at end of month. Use estimated cash flow values. Refer to class discussion.
  • Explain what type of exit strategy would be appropriate for your business venture. Several strategies to consider are: divestiture of assets, handing over to a joint venture partner, diversification, shutting down operations.
  • Recommend whether this global venture is feasible or not. Propose whether to proceed with this business or not.

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines. Slides or notes pages must each have source information. Include a References slide.


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