Final Plan

Now that you completed all the individual components of the Strategic Plan, conclude this project by synthesizing all the individual components into a strategic plan that could be presented to leaders of the organization.

The final draft of your plan must include:

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  • The Internal Analysis
  • The External Analysis
  • Strategy Analysis and Choice
  • Strategy Implementation
  • Evaluation and Control
  • 1-2 page, executive summary highlighting the key points of the plan.

The plan should be clear, comprehensive, and forward-looking. This is not merely a research project. Your plan should focus on specific strategic decisions (i.e., problems or opportunities) facing the company and conclude with a set of strategic recommendations.

Your final paper requires proper in-text citations and a references page. Proper APA formatting should be utilized throughout your paper. You will be combining weeks 3-5 papers plus additional materials for week 6.

Paper must be at least 2100+ words

I have attached all of my previous work to use for guidance. Please let me know if there are nay questions.

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