Final Project – Investigating Identity – Tryptic

Final Project

Investigating Identity – Triptych:


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For your final project this semester you will be tasked to create the following:

A tryptic on three canvases that is a representation of your identity utilizing any combination of techniques we have learned in this class.
An artist statement utilizing the vocabulary we have learned in class describing your choices in composition, color and why you have made these choices.
Based on the brainstorming we did last week you will consider the aspects of your personality that defines your identity.

Consider the following:

Traditional Gender Roles
The role that Advertising and the consumer play in creating and reinforcing gender stereotypes.
What qualities does contemporary society consider beautiful/handsome today. How are these standards different for men and women?
What role does ethnic heritage play in the formulation of identity?
What role does life experience play in the formulation of identity?
How do religious and political viewpoints effect identity?

Materials for Tryptic:

3 Canvases (8×10 or Larger) this can be in you multimedia sketchbook, canvas paper, canvas boards or stretched canvases
Mediums can include: Any of the mediums we used in class; ie: Acrylic Paints, Graphite, Textural elements as with the collages.
Submission Specs:

Photograph your work in good lighting and save in the JPG file format for submission to the drop box for this assignment.


Tryptic (Three Canvases) are present (30 pts)

Principles of Art are employed thoughtfully (30 pts)

Color is utilized in a meaningful way (30 pts)

Techniques explored in this class are employed in a meaningful way. (30 pts)

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