Final Project-Part 1 ( Global Business)

I have attached assignment detail for part 1 of Final Project and template for project as well as chapter readings to use that you might need for this assignment. 


And answer journal question:

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After reading about the IMF, journal your thoughts about the work of the IMF. Is it something new to you? Has its mission grown beyond merely imposing discipline on global currencies? Can you speculate what the world might be like for business without an organization like the IMF? Did anything you discovered in this examination of the IMF surprise you?

Be sure to watch the short videos in each section that describes this organization and its work. After visiting the IMF website, Journal your thoughts about what you viewed and heard on this site. Is the work of the IMF something new to you? Has its mission grown beyond merely imposing discipline on global currencies? Can you speculate what the world might be like for business without an organization like the IMF? Did anything you discovered in this examination of the IMF surprise you?


Assignments are due tomorrow , Tuesday,  December 11, 2012 by 9:00 pm New York Time.





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