Final Project Report

Prepare an 8-10–page report in Word. This report should include a project history of your recent Trillo Apparel Company District 4 Production Warehouse Move experience over the last five weeks.

Your final report should include the following sections:

  • Executive Summary
  • Project Performance and Status Report
  • Organizational Structure
  • Project and Administrative Teams
  • Project Risk and Change Management
  • Project Management Techniques Employed
  • Conclusion

Include appropriate reports from your final project plans to corroborate your overall report. You may also use diagrams, charts, and other visual aids to make your report more effective. Assume that the report will be presented to the Board of Directors of Trillo Apparel Company. Your report should be done in the APA style.

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In addition to the report, prepare an 7-9–slide presentation in PowerPoint that summarizes key aspects from the report.   

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