Finalizing PICO Question for Evaluation Project

Good research begins with a good question. Throughout your nursing education, you have encountered the PICO question format. The PICO format breaks down the process of generating a good research question into four steps. Using the PICO question format, nurses can form the basis of evaluation plans for HIT systems. Before proceeding with an evaluation, you must ensure that your PICO question is sufficiently refined. Consequently, for this part of your Evaluation Project, you revise and submit the PICO question you created for this week’s Discussion.

To prepare:

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  • Review the feedback from your colleagues to the PICO question you posted in this week’s Discussion.
  • Consider how you may wish to edit your PICO question based upon the feedback you received.


Edit your PICO question based on the feedback you received in the Week 5 Discussion. Submit your revised PICO question on or before Day 1 of Week 6 in the Week 6 Assignment 1 area.


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