Finance class assignment very easy just answer those 5 question

Question 1: According to the video, how do we define risk?

Question 2: According to the video, how would the risk of a portfolio consisting of stocks from a

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variety of economic sectors compare to one consisting of stocks from just one sector? What is

the technical finance term for this concept?

Question 3: According to the video, what is the difference between std. dev. and beta in terms of

measuring risk?

Question 4: According to the video, what are some caveats associated with CAPM?

Question 5: According to the video, what is the difference between systematic and unsystematic

risk? How is each type of risk impacted by holding a well-diversified portfolio?

answer those 5 question.You have to write on your own. no copy on any website or internet.

at least 3 pages

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