Finance topic

Term Paper/Case Study: You have the option to write a term paper/case study during this semester on practically any finance topic that interests you. Yes, any finance topic that interests you:

-Feel that Amazon overpaid for Whole Foods or Facebook overpaid for Whatsapp? Write a case study on it!

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-Are cryptocurrencies solid investments, or are they purely speculative and cryptocurrency markets are in a bubble? I don’t know. Write a paper on it!

-Have you been trading stocks/cryptocurrencies and feel there are trading strategies that can yield risk-adjusted abnormal profits? Awesome! Write a paper on it (Share the wealth! J)

-Own a business (or help run a family-owned business) and want to share a specific, finance-related aspect of your story – how you raised funding, or how did you decide on the capital structure, or how did you adjust the capital structure as business grew, or how did your financing needs change as the business grew, etc.? What a ride! Share your story, write a case on it!

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