Financial Ratios Assignment

  • You may use Excel, Word, or even complete it manually.
  • Find the financial statements on a company of your choice and perform the financial analysis. You can use Google finance ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.), Yahoo finance ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.), or any other aggregator by your choice.
  • Compute the following ratios:
    • Liquidity and Efficiency
      • Working Capital
      • Current Ratio
      • Acid-Test Ratio
      • A/R Turnover
      • Inventory Turnover
      • Days’ Sales Uncollected
      • Days’ Sales in Inventory
      • Total Asset Turnover
    • Solvency
      • Debt-to-Equity Ratio
    • Profitability
      • Profit Margin
      • Return on Total Assets
      • Return on Common Stockholders’ Equity
    • Market Prospects
      • Price-earnings Ratio
      • Dividend Yield
  • Explain what each of these ratio mean.

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