From the real national/international market, select any publicly listed company (listed in the Stock market). Critically analyze the chosen company based on the following questions. 1. Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your re


From the real national/international market, select any publicly listed company (listed in the Stock market). Critically analyze the chosen company based on the following questions.

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1. Conduct a SWOT analysis for your chosen company based on your research.

2. Examine the 4 P’s of your chosen company based on the information given.

3. Use the porter’s five forces model to critically analyze the competitive structure of the organization.


  • You are supposed to choose a publicly listed company from the Stock Market.
  • You should use references (company website, financial databases, etc…)
  • While referencing, use APA reference style.
  • All students are encouraged to use their own words.
  • If Plagiarism is more than 25%, student will get zero marks.
  • Submit your assignment at the BB grade center on or before the END OF WEEK-7TH
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