Fsmt405 Week 6 Review Questions

Chapter 12

1.  An effective PAR should include the communication of what three elements?

2.  What are the top three actions that an ISO should take if a member is not accounted for at an incident?

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3.  What are four principal hazards (imminent threats) that are found at most structure fires?

4.  What is meant by incident integrity?

5.  List four instances in which an ISO should request ASO assistance at structure fires.

6.  What is meant by a zero rescue profile?

7.  List the environmental and operational factors that can signal the need for increased RIC capabilities.

8.  What are the critical observations that the ISO and RIC leader/officer should share with each other?

9.  What is a magnet task? What can the ISO do to help address magnet tasks?

10.  List the three resource considerations at structure fires.

11.  List several unique hazards at strip mall structure fires.

12.  List four ISO functions unique to high-rise fires.

13.  List six ASO functions unique to high-rise fires.

14.  What can be done to reduce cancer-causing contamination at structure fires?

15.  What are the typical causes of IC dysfunction (inappropriate tactics and strategy) at incidents?

Chapter 13

1.  What is an I-zone?

2.  What is the difference between a control line, fire line, and wet line?

3.  Define the following terms: flare-up, torching, blowup, and fire storm.

4.  List the factors that influence fire spread in the wildland environment.

5.  What are the four principal hazards (imminent threats) that are present at most wildfires?

6.  The ISO should remind responders to look up and look down for specific hazards. What are they looking for?

7.  Describe the minimum staffing guidelines for the following assignments:

•  Vehicle-based brush patrol

•  Hand crews near roads

•  Hike-in hand crews

•  Structural protection crews

8.  List six situations that may require the appointment of an ASO at wildland fires.

9.  List at least five issues that should be addressed when the ISO develops a wildland fire safety briefing.

10.  Discuss a troubling issue that may arise when ground firefighters interface with aircraft.

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