Future Policy Issue

Research and select an emerging health care issue. This can include but is not limited to the following:

Opioid crisis
Behavioral health care
Health care employee burnout
Health care information transparency

Discuss how you would design a policy for the health care issue you selected. Remember to take into consideration the various aspects of the policy development cycle and level of implementation (federal, state, or local).

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Respond using 525 to 700 words to the following prompts:

What is the issue, what is the problem associated with the issue that you want to work toward solving, and who are the main stakeholders who can influence the success of the policy?
Why is this issue important and what is the target population?
How would you suggest implementing the policy and at what level (federal or state government)?
How would you propose the policy be evaluated and when would the evaluation occur?
What possible courses of action (revisions) would likely be needed if the evaluation of the policy suggests that the proposed policy is not fulfilling its intended purpose?

Cite at least 2 reputable references. Reputable references include trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, a textbook, or other sources of similar quality.

Format your responses and references according to APA guidelines.

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