Give one example of a data collection method used in one of the studies identified in your Unit 5 project. What variable was this method used to measure?During Unit 5, you will be working on the follo

Give one example of a data collection method used in one of the studies identified in your Unit 5 project. What variable was this method used to measure?During Unit 5, you will be working on the following unit outcomes: Identify levels of measurement in data collection instruments (CO 2) Discuss the implications of levels of measurement for statistical analysis (CO 2) Appraise the validity and reliability of data collection methods (CO 4) Examine data collection methods in published research studies (CO 5)Key Concepts this WeekCredibility of Sources Literature review Locating and appraising the relevant evidenceRequired TextbookHouser, J. (2018). Nursing research: Reading, using and creating evidence (4th ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning Required Reading Assignments: Chapters 8 (pg. 189-228); 9 (pg. 244-246) APA format 1 full-page with cover and reference pages in-text citations and two references.

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