given the task of locating and presenting to a hedge fund portfolio manager in one convincing PowerPoint presentation a U.

given the task of locating and presenting to a hedge fund portfolio manager in one convincing PowerPoint presentation a U.S. publicly-traded company’s common stock that you think is undervalued and a U.S. publicly-traded company’s common stock that you think is overvalued.

Please use the library and other available resources to locate these stocks. You may need to locate the 10-Q and 10-K statements for the companies. These reports can be retrieved on the EDGAR database of the Securities and Exchange Commission website at

Create and submit a PowerPoint file of 15 to 20 slides that consists of the following elements:

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Name of the U.S. publicly-traded company’s common stock that you think is undervalued

Name of the U.S. publicly-traded company’s common stock that you think is overvalued

Description of the companies

Rationale of why you think the stock is undervalued

Rationale of why you think the stock is overvalued

The percentage you think the stock is undervalued

The percentage you think the stock is overvalued

An analysis of each company’s management team

For each of the two companies:

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