Grand Canyon University Native American and African Religious Beliefs PPT

You will research a Native American or African community’s culture, oral tradition, religious texts, historical background, and current beliefs and practices.

If possible, interview a Native American or African, medicine man, shaman, or museum expert about that community. If you would like to take pictures during your visit to this community, museum, or place of worship be sure to obtain permission.

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In a 15-20-slide presentation with slide notes (not including title slide and reference slide), address the following elements:

  1. Name of the Native American community or African Tribal Religion and the historical religious beliefs and practices of that group.
  2. How historical beliefs and religious practices have been influenced (positively or negatively) by the dominant surrounding culture. Include specific examples.
  3. Current religious beliefs and practices and the part they play in the daily life of a typical member of the community.
  4. Elements of the traditional religion that a Christian would need to consider when sharing the Christian faith/gospel with a person from this community.
  5. Evaluation of the impact American or European policy has had on Native American or African Tribal Religion beliefs and practices.
  6. How current and future governmental policies could impact personal beliefs and practices of that community in the future.

Be creative. Include a title slide, reference slide(s), and slide notes that provide detailed explanation of slide information.

Utilize the course textbook and a minimum of three additional academic resources, one of which can be your interview and should include topic materials and external resources.

The attachment provides textbook link and log in info, lecture notes, and other links for references that must be used.

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