Grantham Cp 9-6 Accounts Receivable Turnover and Days’ Sales in Receivables.

75-150 words each. I can provide login to the book to complete assignments

1. In the Cases & Projects section at the back of Chapter 9 in your textbook, find and complete problem “CP 9-6 Accounts receivable turnover and days’ sales in receivables.” Be sure to complete all steps and sections of the problem and show all your work. Clearly label your answers, and make sure your responses to numbers 3 and 4 are in complete sentences. Submit all your documentation for the problem to the dropbox for grading.

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2. In the Cases & Projects section at the back of Chapter 7 in your textbook, find and complete problem “CP 7-6 Comparing inventory ratios for two companies.” Be sure to complete all steps and sections of the problem and show all your work. Clearly label your answers.

3.In the Cases & Projects section at the back of Chapter 8 in your textbook, find and complete the following problems:

CP 8-6 Internal Controls

CP 8-8 Bank reconciliation and internal control

CP 8-9 Cash to monthly case expenses ratio

Be sure to complete all steps and sections of each problem and show all your work. Clearly label your answers, and make sure your responses to sections with pencil icons are in complete sentences.

4. In the Cases & Projects section at the back of Chapter 14 in your textbook, find and complete problem “CP 14-4 Present values.” Be sure to complete all steps and sections of the problem and show all your work. Clearly label your answers, and make sure your response to the pencil icon questions at the end of the problem are in complete sentences.

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