Grantham How Impactful Computer Resources Can Be in All Aspects of Life Paper

For my paper, I would like to discuss how impactful computer resources can be in all aspects of life: career, education and personal. Of course, computer technology has a positive effect on
elementary education. (Ruskus, J. A. 1995)

  • You selected a State or National Issue in Career Education that you find interesting or important.
  • Upon researching your approved topic that your have selected, a paper will be developed using a minimum of four cited scholarly references from professional publications, scholarly internet websites , and/or institutional documents.
  • The purpose of the paper is to research and report on a current issue affecting Career Education.
    • Include an analysis of how this issue could possibly affect you and/or your colleagues in your chosen profession.
    • This paper should be scholarly in nature and should be cited according to the American Psychological Association (APA).
    • 2 to 4-Page APA Style Paper: Title page and references are NOT included in the required page count.
    • Attach in appropriate assignment area as a .doc or .rtf document, double space, 12 point font, Times New Roman font style, indented paragraphs, no extra lines between paragraphs.
    • Minimum of four cited scholarly references from professional publications, scholarly internet websites , and/or institutional documents.

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