Grantham University Conflict Resolution Action Plan Response


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Analyzing the Situation: Analyzes the factors contributing to the conflict, including contributors’ communication techniques and the conflict management style used for determining how these factors contributed to the conflict: In your factors contributing the the conflict paragraph, you’ve provided some insightful information on the hierarchical and bureaucratic structure as well as an example on pay frameworks.

Using the project scenario and consider the communication techniques, what factors led to the conflict?

What conflict management style was used?

What issues caused the conflict?

Who were the contributors?

What caused the conflict to escalate, and why?

Using the project scenario, what are some examples of non-communicative techniques and other factors that contributed to the negative environment in the scenario?

Who contributed to the conflict?

You are to analyze the project scenario and discuss the factors that contributed to the conflict, including communication techniques, the conflict management style used, what issues caused the conflict, who were the contributors, what caused the conflict to escalate, and why and provide examples from the scenario of the non-communicative techniques and other factors that contributed to the negative environment in the scenario.

Be sure to consult the project Directions and learning resource Identifying Conflict.
Analyzing the Situation: Analyzes the scenario for potential impacts related to corporate culture, including communication techniques and emotional aspects demonstrated by leadership, and provides examples to support your claims: You’ve provided some interesting information on “Character contrasts”.

I did not see where you analyzed the scenario and provided information on the potential impacts.

Using the project scenario, what are the potential impacts related to corporate culture?

Using the scenario, what impact does the communication techniques used or not used effect the employees and the overall workforce environment?

How did the emotional aspects that the CEO and leadership demonstrated influence the workplace environment?

Using the scenario, what examples to support your claims?

You are to briefly discuss the factors that contributed to the conflict, the potential impacts related to corporate culture, tthe communication techniques used or not and how they would have impacted employees, the overall workforce environment, the emotional aspects the CEO and leadership demonstrated and their influence on the workplace environment, and provide more than one examples to support your claims.

See the project Directions and learning resource Conflict Responses.
Conflict Resolution: States the desired outcome of the conflict resolution: Under the conflict resolution heading, you stated, “Cromwell outlined three approaches of the Conflict Resolution Education report (Cromwell, 2012). Each one is focusing on the way to resolve conflict among two or more students in a classroom. Cromwell (2012) talk about the Peaceable School approach, which is known as Resolving Conflict Creatively Program (RCCP), it emphases five strategies to resolve conflict base on the RCCP model. However, the Peaceable Schools approach has a broad aspect, and it focuses on the management of the entire school versus just one classroom”.

How does the Peaceable School approach and professional development relate to this project, which is JM&P Health Communications and Results Health Communications company merger?

What is your desired outcome?

You are to begin the conflict resolution paragraph by specifically stating the desired outcome of the conflict resolution related to the scenario.

See the project Directions and learning resource Conflict Responses.
Recommends specific action steps that should be taken for effectively managing the conflict and achieving the desired outcome stated above; for each action step, indicates how the step contributes to the conflict solution and proposes recommended timeline: You’ve discussed professional development and connected that content to staff, teachers, peer medication, administrator training, parent training, and under the “classroom instruction” heading you’ve proved some interesting information on special education teachers and stated, “In the conflict resolution scenario, the accommodation has nothing to do with learning style because it doesn’t show how well a student can learn”.

I don’t understand how this content relates to this project.

This project is about JM&P Health Communications and Results Health Communications company merger.

You’ve suggested three changes for the company to communicate more effectively moving forward.

Are the the action steps for effectively managing the conflict?

Are these steps in alignment with the desired outcome?

How does each step contribute to the conflict solution?

What is the proposed timeline for completing each action step?

You are to not only recommend specific action steps that should be taken for effectively managing the conflict and achieving the desired outcome stated but also specifically discuss how each step contributes to the conflict solution, and propose a recommended timeline for completing each action step.

Please review the project Directions and learning resource Conflict Responses.
Communication: Describes a strategic communication approach for employing recommended conflict resolution and approaches, including include appropriate communication platforms to relay the information to the intended audience, including virtual employees: You’ve explained your communication approach.

What communication platforms will be used to relay the information to the intended audience and that includes virtual employees?

You are to not only explain the strategic communication approach for employing recommended conflict resolution and approaches but also the communication platforms to relay the information to the intended audience, including virtual employees.

See the project Directions and learning resource Conflict Prevention and Considerations.
Suggests best practices that will be used moving forward to communicate effectively, highlighting approaches to using the communication strategies and platforms outlined above for conflict prevention, communication, and effective collaboration: You’ve touched on best practices for negotiating and managing conflict.

What about the communication platforms?

You are to highlight the approaches to using the communication strategies and platforms for conflict prevention, communication, and effective collaboration.

Be sure to consult the project Directions and learning resource Conflict Prevention and Considerations.

Recommendations: Describes corrective actions that must be taken by leadership to achieve the desired outcome and prevent future conflict, highlighting which stakeholders must be involved considering the diverse workforce and virtual employees: You’ve touched on how the actions will support the diverse workforce.

What about the virtual employees?

What steps must be taken by leadership to achieve the desired outcome?

Which stakeholders must be involved?

What actions will help prevent unhealthy conflict?

How much should leadership be involved?

What is another example?

In the closing statement, you are to build on your action steps, communication strategies, and explain the corrective actions that must be taken by leadership to achieve the desired outcome, highlight which stakeholders must be involved, the actions that will help prevent unhealthy conflict, how much should leadership be involved, provide examples that demonstrate how these actions foster a communicative and positive environment.
General: Citations/Attributions: Attributes sources where applicable using citation methods with no major errors: Good start on citing and referencing your sources but there are major APA errors.

For example, you cited (34 C.F.R. § 300.321). Citations contain two parts (Author, year). In-text citations include in parentheses 1) the author or the resource title if the author’s name is not available and 2) the year of publication or the initials n.d. if the year is not available. The term “n.d.” stands or “no date.” Examples: (Author, Year) or (Author, n.d.) or (Title, Year) or (Title, n.d.)

Another example, you referenced: Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 34 C.F.R. § 300.321 (2005). Each entry on the References list is to include the author, the year of publication in parentheses, the title, and the URL. If there is no author’s name available, use the title at the beginning of the reference and not at the end. Examples: Author. (Year). Title. URL or Title. (Year). URL

Please review the attached APA Citation Guide.

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