Grossmont Community College External vs Internal Proposal Memo

Weekly Communications: Provide a Seven Weekly Commutations (175 points, 7 @ 30 points each). Formats on communications will vary from week to week dependent on the related instruction. Go to the assignment tab for directions for each week. Do Not Assume the Assignment will be the Same Format for the Entire Course. Refer to BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS TODAY for background information on the selected format.

Each week you provide a form a communication to the CEO (Instructor) via CANVAS answering any questions or concern he may have.
The Assignment will be:
 Brief (1-page, 12 Font, single spaced).
 Cover the key areas and objectives of the Lessons and assigned reading.
 Provide research, opportunities and to solutions for the topic given that week.
 Be in the assigned format for that week.

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Assignment Rubric Points
1. Compliance with all directions, correct format following standard grammar. 50%
2. Content was logical, well written, and demonstrated adequate topic research. 25%
3. No evidence of plagiarism. All sources properly sited. 25%
Total 100%

Week 5:
Assignment Topic: Draft a Informational Memo on the difference in preparing an External vs. an Internal Proposal. Memo is to be Approved by the CEO.
Format: Informational Memo Format. Use the Memo Format on page 402 (Analytical Report) BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONS TODAY.
Submit: PDF draft via CANVAS to CEO Bob Joyce for approval
1. Company: Maclin Recording Inc.
2. Specialization: global recording service company specializing in natural soundtrack adaptations for film
3. Company Location: Los Angles, CA

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